Prevention Education
In fostering Tiffin University’s commitment to providing a safe and equitable educational experience, the Office for Equity, Access, & Opportunity takes a proactive approach to preventing gender-based discrimination and sexual misconduct.
Each academic year, the Office for Equity Access & Opportunity creates and implements a Comprehensive Prevention Plan based on best practices outlined in the Ohio Department of Higher Education’s (ODHE) Changing Campus Culture initiative. In accordance with this initiative, the Comprehensive Prevention Plan incorporates the following ODHE recommendations:
- Use data to guide action
- Empower staff, faculty, campus law enforcement and students to prevent and respond to sexual violence through evidence-based training
- Communicate a culture of shared respect and responsibility
- Develop a comprehensive response policy
- Adopt a survivor-centered response
Student Resources
- Domestic Violence Awareness Brochure
- Guide to Safety Planning Brochure
- My Safety Plan Worksheet
- EAO Resources & Information Brochure
- Bystander Intervention Brochure
- Consent Brochure
- Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships Brochure
- Stalking Prevention & Awareness: Online Safety Strategies Brochure
- Alcohol & Consent Brochure
- Sexual Assault Awareness Brochure
Mandatory Prevention Education
Tiffin University holds standing-up and looking out for one another’s safety as a core value. One way in which our school commits to this value is by providing students, faculty, and staff with virtual bystander training. We want all members of our TU Family to have the knowledge and skills to be an active bystander, who interferes when anyone is observed being endangered by sexual violence, hazing, discrimination, or other harmful behaviors. For that reason, all students, faculty, and staff are required to complete annual prevention training through our training partner, Get Inclusive.
1. Minors On Campus – This module prepares employees, volunteers, and affiliates to engage in healthy, safe relationships with minors and will review mandated reporting responsibilities. Click here to register for Minors on Campus training.
2. Voices for Change – This module empowers new and returning students to be active bystanders and to help prevent things such as discrimination/harassment, sexual violence, hazing, and more! At the start of each academic year, all new and returning students are automatically assigned this training module and are required to complete it by the start of the Fall semester.
3. Harassment & Title IX Reporting (for Employees & Supervisors) – This module prepares employees and supervisors to create a healthy workplace environment free from discrimination/harassment, as well as reviews their mandatory Title IX reporting obligations. At the start of each academic year, all new and returning employees/supervisors are automatically assigned this training module and are required to complete it by the start of the Fall semester.
Voluntary Prevention Education
The Office for Equity, Access, & Opportunity hosts a variety of voluntary virtual and in-person training options to further our mission to prevent gender-based discrimination and sexual misconduct.
- TU Step-In: Bystander Intervention Training – In this interactive team-building workshop, participants will identify the difference between passive and active bystanders, discuss strategies for intervening as an active bystander, and identify campus resources.
Duration: 30 minutes (Brief), 1 hour (Full)
Format: In-Person, Virtual
Intended Audience: Students
Max Participants: 30 (In-Person), Unlimited (Virtual)
*Training requires open space for interactive activities (i.e. ability to move desks/tables)
2. Title IX Training – This training highlights key components of Tiffin University’s Equal Opportunity, Harassment, & Nondiscrimination Policy & Procedures. Based on participant needs, an area of emphasis is often added to help explore the intersectionality of gender-based discrimination and sexual misconduct with areas such as bystander intervention, mandated reporting, and trauma-informed response. (Choose area of emphasis below)
- With Bystander Intervention Emphasis – This psychoeducational training incorporates both Title IX basics and bystander intervention techniques to prepare all who attend for identifying and taking action to stop/prevent gender-based discrimination and sexual misconduct.
- With Mandated Reporting Emphasis – Geared towards faculty, staff, and student workers, this training covers all the information employees need to know about their mandated reporting obligations through the lens of Title IX.
- With Trauma-Informed Response Emphasis – This training incorporates a survivor-centered and trauma-informed approach to responding to and reporting gender-based discrimination and sexual misconduct. Participants will learn about the neuroscience of trauma and discover best practices for supporting someone in a trauma-informed way.
Duration: 1 hour (for 1 area of emphasis – add an additional 30 minutes for each additional area of emphasis)
Format: In-Person, Virtual
Intended Audience: Students, Employees
Max Participants: 30 (In-Person), Unlimited (Virtual)
3. One Love Escalation Workshop – A trained facilitator will help participants explore the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships in this interactive workshop created by the One Love Foundation. This workshop starts with a 40 minute film followed by a discussion on recognizing the signs of dating violence and how to help someone who might be in an unhealthy relationship.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Format: In-Person (due to the sensitive nature of the Escalation Film, we do not offer a virtual format)
Intended Audience: Students
Max Participants: 30
4. One Love Behind the Post Workshop – This One Love Foundation workshop helps participants learn how to spot the signs of an unhealthy relationship in a virtual/social media setting. This workshop begins with a short film followed by a guided discussion by a trained facilitator.
Duration: 30-45 minutes
Format: In-Person, Virtual
Intended Audience: Students
Max Participants: 30 (In-Person), Unlimited (Virtual)
5. Neuroscience of Trauma & Violence Prevention – This beginner-level course covers basic neuroscience and the body’s stress responses to violence – no prior knowledge or understanding of these areas are necessary! After participants learn what happens in the brain and body during a threatening situation, the conversation shifts to supporting survivors and preventing violence.
Duration: 1 hour
Format: In-Person, Virtual
Intended Audience: Students
Max Participants: 30 (In-Person), Unlimited (Virtual)
6. Alcohol & Consent – This training explores the intersectionality of alcohol and consent. Participants will learn how to make safe and healthy decisions if they choose to drink.
Duration: 1 hour
Format: In-Person, Virtual
Intended Audience: Students
Max Participants: 30 (In-Person), Unlimited (Virtual)
Title IX in 9 Minutes (or Less!)
Title IX is a complex topic that includes many policies and procedures. It is unrealistic to cover all that there is to know about Title IX in one training. Title IX in 9 Minutes (or Less!) is a virtual mini workshop series that will break down Title IX topics into 9-minute segments. Click on the links below to watch our recorded workshops.
Recorded Workshops
2023-2024 Prevention & awareness campaign
For questions about prevention education or to collaborate on a program/event, contact the Director of Prevention Education:
Kelsey Kuzma
Archived Prevention & Awareness Campaigns
2022-2023 Prevention & Awareness Campaign
Office for Equity, Access & Opportunity
Contact Us
We’re Here for You!
Title IX/504 Coordinator & Assistant Vice President for Intercultural and Community Engagement